QuickNotify Pro: Error Logging & Localization Toolkit for Unity
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Quick Notify PackageStreamline your error logging and notification workflows with the Quick Notify Package for Unity! This all-in-one tool simplifies error management and translation across multiple languages while integrating seamlessly into your project.Key Features:Centralized Error Logging:Easily manage error entries through a dedicated ScriptableObject. Define global language codes and an asset-level Invoice ID (required for API translation) to ensure consistency throughout your project.Seamless Translation Integration:Each error entry includes the ability to translate titles and descriptions via an external API. Simply select the desired languages and trigger translation—no manual intervention needed. The system sends your asset-level Invoice ID along with error details to fetch accurate translations.Custom Editor Interface:Enjoy a polished and intuitive editor experience. The custom inspector displays the Invoice ID prominently, flags missing information in red, and disables translation actions until all required data is provided. Error entries can be easily created, edited, and managed with minimal effort.Quick Setup Window:Set up your project in seconds using the integrated startup window. With a single click, the package automatically creates the required asset at Assets/Resources/QN/ErrorLogData.asset and adds a QuickNotifyManager component to your scene.Core Architecture:ScriptableObject-Based Data Management:The package uses a custom ErrorLogData ScriptableObject to store and manage error entries, global language codes, and a required asset-level Invoice ID. This centralized data structure ensures consistency and easy access throughout your project.Error Entry Structure:Each error entry includes a unique error code, log level, original title, description, and per-language translation settings. The error entries are maintained as a list within the ScriptableObject.Translation System:Asynchronous API Integration:Error entries can be translated into multiple languages by sending asynchronous HTTP POST requests using Unity's UnityWebRequest. The package utilizes C# async/await patterns (with Task.Yield) to perform non-blocking API calls.External API Communication:The translation API expects the following parameters:invoice_id (asset-level Invoice ID)titledescriptionlanguageIt returns translations in a JSON format that is parsed using both Unity’s built-in JsonUtility and Newtonsoft.Json for robust handling.Custom Editor Tools:Enhanced Inspector Interface:The custom editor for ErrorLogData provides an intuitive interface for managing error entries. It validates critical fields (such as the asset-level Invoice ID) by highlighting missing information (displaying the field with a red background and an error message) and disables translation actions until the required data is provided.Startup Setup Window:A dedicated editor window (QuickNotifySetupWindow) is provided under Tools > Quick Notify Setup. This window streamlines the initial setup by:Automatically creating the necessary asset (Assets/Resources/QN/ErrorLogData.asset) if it does not already exist.Adding a QuickNotifyManager MonoBehaviour to the current scene if it is missing.Offering a “Discord” button that opens our support community page.Asset Creation & Scene Integration:Automated Asset Management:The setup window ensures that the proper folder structure is created in your project and that the ErrorLogData asset is available in the Resources folder, making it accessible at runtime.Scene Component Integration:The QuickNotifyManager is automatically added to your scene if not found, ensuring that the necessary runtime component is always present.Dependencies & Compatibility:Dependencies:UnityEngine and UnityEditor for core functionality.Newtonsoft.Json for advanced JSON serialization/deserialization.Unity Version:Compatible with Unity 2022.3 and later, supporting async/await and modern editor scripting techniques.Platform Support:Designed for use within the Unity Editor and at runtime on supported platforms (Windows, macOS, etc.).marketing images