3d Terrain Hex Pack (Rivers)
Great for Turn-based, Fantasy, adventure or just prototyping.Should be no reason it wont work with HDRP. only tested and setup for URP.3d Terrain Hex Pack (Rivers)River tiles are rotatable by 60 degrees to connect to other river tiles seemlessly.Includes prefab/scriptable objects for Hexamap 2 to generate maps similar to screenshots.To Use the hexamap 2 config files, the default locations must be used on import of each asset. (once everything is imported, you can move things around)(Hexamap 2 not included and not required)Blender Source File Includedinfo@blackplaguegames.com160 Models- 80 models 4 Textures (950 verts or less for each)- 80 Models 1 Texture (polygon style) (950 verts or less for each)At least 5 versions of each river (direction) type.1100+ Prefabs (including multi-Texture, Colored Texture and Polygon style)Dark River Prefab setGreen River Prefab SetOrange River Pefab SetWhite River Prefab SetYellow River Prefab SetBlender Procedural Textures have been baked at 1024x1024. You can rebake in blender to whatever resolution you need.Snow / WhiteSand / YellowDirtIce RiverRockAI generated Grass texture and some rock textures for demo purposes onlyall AI generated textures are 1024x1024The grass and RockWall2, RockWall3, RockWall4 textures are AI generated for demo purposes only