This is a focused collection of s every nuance of trainer bicycles with exceptional clarity.VIEW SOUND LISTIntroducing the first library of the Bicycles Sound Effects series; Bicycles: Trainer.This is a focused collection of s every nuance of trainer bicycles with exceptional clarity.It has a comprehensive range of a variety of sounds from different trainer bikes, including magnetic and fluid trainers.What’s Inside:– Pedal and Chain Noises: Smooth pedalling, rhythmic clicks, and chain movement unique to trainer setups.– Rides on the Trainer: at different speeds (from 3 perspectives: front, back, rider), bicycle hub sounds, brake sounds, gear shifter sounds, cyclist shoe sounds, trainer setup sounds, and accessory sounds like water bottle clicks, towel movements, and fan noises.– Resistance Adjustments: Distinct sounds of changing resistance levels, from soft shifts to heavy gear transitions.– Cadence and Speed Variations: Sounds at different cycling speeds, from gentle warm-ups to intense sprints.– Multiple Sound Perspectives: Features mono close-up, distant, and onboard recordings to match any project need.100% royalty-free – comes with intuitive naming and detailed description – UCS compatible.Find the true sound of it with Vadi Sound Library.Audio file types: wavSample rate: 96kHzBit depth24bit Loopable: NoAdditional: Stereo/mono?