Lerp any int, float, double, bool, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Quaternion, Colour, Texture, String, or Animation curve with just one line of code. No need for you to manually update the variable ever again.
Lerping, (or any sort of timed action for that matter,) in Unity3d is tedious. You have to create and set three or more variables that all must have unique names, then increase the timer... check to see that the lerp is running... update the variable, etc etc.
No more! The Lerp Factory allows you to lerp a number variable with just one line of code. As The Lerp Factory has been designed from the outset to work as a scripting aid, with a compact and powerful syntax, it will definitely speed up you coding.
In addition to this, there is a powerful path editor, where paths can be created, edited and started with Zero Coding!
- 8 demo scenes, including a small RTS that runs almost entirely via TLF's lerps.
- Large manual with many screen shots.
- Lerp strings, and animation curves
- Object pooling.
- Uses generic static functions, no need to create an instance of The Lerp Factory.
- Five looping modes: None, Wrap, PingPong, Finite Wrap and Finite PingPong.
- Five
inbuilt types of interpolation: lerp, smoothstep, smoother step, sinLerp and cosLerp. There is also the ability to specify a custom interpolation via an animation curve.
If you have any questions or suggestions then I can be reached at lerpcm@gmail.com