High-quality Grenade RGD-5 modelThere are no restrictions on a specific render pipelinePORTFOLIO || YOUTUBEFree Grenade RGD-5 model. Check other free assets.Features:- High-quality textures: 2048x2048 (You can change the size of the texture on your own)- Textures complete - Diffuse(Albedo) map, Normal map, Specular map, AO map.- Complete 4 colors (Red, Green, Yellow and Black)- The model divided into a two objects for the animation.- Low-poly model (2416 polygons and 2658 vertex)- 2 Lods- File complete - .fbxAny questions: e-mail meDo not foget leave comments!Features:- High-quality textures: 2048x2048 (You can change the size of the texture on your own)- Textures complete - Diffuse(Albedo) map, Normal map, Specular map, AO map.- Complete 4 colors (Red, Green, Yellow and Black)- The model divided into a two objects for the animation.- Low-poly model (2416 polygons and 2658 vertex)- 2 Lods- File complete - .fbx