Televisions are a collection a high-quality, game-ready assets and is ideal for developers seeking detailed and efficient television model.Televisions are a collection of game-ready assets designed for seamless integration into Unity (HDRP/URP/SRP). It includes 2K PBR textures with detailed maps including albedo, roughness, normal, ambient occlusion (AO), emissive, metallic smoothness, and mask map. 2048x2048 PBR Textures8 Texture Mapsalbedo, roughness, normal, ambient occlusion (AO), metallic smoothness, and mask mapTV Tall Stand 4159 Tris , TV Stand 1975 Tris, TV 1067 Tris31 PrefabsUV Mapped:YesURP by default, contains alternative materials for HDRP and SRP