Pattern Painter is a tool that saves you valuable time during your game development process.
Work smarter, not harder, by placing Game Objects in your scene in various geometric patterns in seconds!This is an in-editor productivity tool independent of render pipeline.Pattern Painter was made with usability and efficiency in mind to help you truly speed up your game development.Rather than spending hours manually placing Game Objects in your scene, you can now do it in seconds starting from a base geometric pattern, such as:A rectangular grid.A checkerboard.A straight line.A circular line.Concentric circles.Radial spokes outward from the center.The base pattern can be customized to fit your needs:Offset the center of the pattern.Modify the pattern rotation.Randomized placement points.Control the cell size.Make a grid into a checkered pattern.Control In-between spacing in a line.Change the circumference of a circular lineSpace out concentric circles.Create an "hole" (empty space) inside circular patterns.Optionally, you can align your created Game Objects onto a specified terrain surface or polygonal asset in your Scene.The tool shows user-friendly status messages in a built-in text area.Pattern Painter is currently meant to work for 3D workflows only. It has not been tested with 2D yet and since it projects pattern points downward along the Y-axis, it might not work at all for 2D yet.You can easily Undo/Redo the bulk creation of Game Objects in your Scene so you can fine-tune the pattern to your liking.While Pattern Painter can technically work with entire terrains, it is not recommended at all to do this in an actual project due to the impact it would have on performance. For that kind of use-cases please explore terrain tools, object pooling, etc.However, if you do start the process of creating hundreds of thousands of Game Objects in your scene and change your mind, you can abort the long-running process by pressing "Space Bar"You can read the tool's documentation in its entirety to see how it can help you save hours of game development time at our website: PatternPainter.comThe assets show in the screenshots and video are for demo purposes only and not included with this package. You can download those same assets at Kenney Game Assets, but the demo scene in the project only includes placeholder assets.We used Copilot to help debug and refactor some of our code.