This toolkit aims to make your life easier while debugging your game.- The demo scene requires cinemachine 2.10.0 or higher, but this should install with the asset as a dependency.- Yo ucan find the documentation either online : https://4hands2cats.github.io/UnityDebugToolkitDocumentation/or in the Documentation.pdf file.The debug toolkit aims to regroup all the features that are needed to help you debug your game. It aims to evolve with your feedbacks. So stay tune.A modular console, for which can create custom commands but also log anything you want at runtime. Maybe you wish to have a simple way to kill your player, teleport to some place, show all the colliders that are in the scene or maybe you want to go frame by frame to know what is happening. Now its a simple command line.A system of optimized runtime Gizmos with an easy to use API. It makes your debugging way easier. Control them with the console, or as a standalone feature.A FreeCam to inspect your scene at runtime. With a simple command in the console activate or deactivate the FreeCam and navigate through your scene.A metrics system to now your fps, the number of batches, and your tris/vert usage.