🌊 Bring your water to life with realistic waves, reflections, and foam! Interactive ripples, caustics, and fog integration make your scenes more immersive than ever! 💧💥 Create stunning water effects with dynamic waves, interactive ripples, and realistic caustics! 🌊 Fully customizable and optimized for performance! 🚀Supported Render Pipelines:✅ Standard/Built-In❌ Universal❌ HdrpFor a list of features, see Technical Details🌊 Realistic Water WavesCustom vertex displacement using sine & cosine waves.Adjustable wave speed, height, and frequency.💦 Dynamic ReflectionsFresnel-based reflections.Supports environment reflection via a cubemap (_Cube).Adjustable reflection intensity.🔮 Screen-space DistortionDistorts scene colors using a noise texture.Adjustable distortion strength.🌫️ Murkiness & Depth EffectsSimulates water murkiness based on depth.Fully customizable murkiness color and intensity.🔹 Foam SimulationDepth-based foam generation.Supports animated foam patterns using a noise texture.☀️ Realistic CausticsProcedurally generated caustics.Adjustable speed, intensity, and tiling.🌊➡️ Flow Direction ControlIndependent velocity control for water movement, caustics, and foam scrolling.💥 Interactive Ripple SystemRenderTexture-based interactive ripples.Mouse or object interaction generates disturbances.Adjustable ripple damping and spread.🌫️🚶 Fog Integration (Optional)Automatic fog activation upon player entering water.Supports Unity’s built-in fog settings.🛶 Floating Object System:Submersion-based Buoyancy: Calculates upward force proportional to the submerged depth of an object.Dynamic Wave Interaction: Integrates with shader-based wave properties (_WaveHeight, _WaveFrequency, _WaveSpeed) to match water motion.Drag Forces: Applies linear and angular drag for realistic movement in water.Versatile Setup: Designed to work with Unity’s physics system, requiring only a Rigidbody and a reference water plane.