Infinite ocean rendering system for Unity HDRP.GOcean is an infinite ocean rendering system for Unity HDRP, that uses scriptable objects to store user defined parameters and initialize the ocean. Focuses on being simple and rather straightforward to use.Features:stochastic sampling for anti tilinginfinite surface (extends beyond far clip plane)causticslight raysunderwater fogwaterline splitscreen water dripsfalloff and shore waves using Unity terrain systemocean height and normal CPU queriescompute shader mesh generationShader EffectsOcean with stochastic sampling at a distance for anti tilingInfinite surface that extends beyond camera far clip planeCaustic on opaque gbuffer geometryUnderwater fog with waterline splitLight rays, occluded by opaque gbuffer geometryWater drips on screenFalloff and shore waves using Unity terrain systemOcean height and normal queries on CPUCompute shader mesh generation and frustum culling