Mobile helicopter controller with top-down & third-person views, joystick, customizable shooting, health system, and turret support. Replace models to create your own game!Helicopter Controller for Mobile, with switchable Top Down and Third person View Setup, Joystick Included, also Player and Enemies can Shoot each other. Both Player and Enemies has heath System. Shooting system is very customizable, you can adjust the Fire rate the range of player detection, also the Turret controller makes it easier to add vehicles like Tank or Turret. Replace all prototype models with own player and enemies and make your own Helicopter Game :)Features:Mobile Ready: Fully optimized for smooth performance on mobile devices.Highly Optimized: Designed for efficient performance with minimal resource usage.Tested on Build: Fully tested within the game build to ensure reliability.Player and Enemy Health System: Includes a dynamic health system for both players and enemies.Drag and Droppable: Easy-to-use drag-and-drop functionality for convenient setup.Customizable Weapon System: Allows for full customization of weapon attributes and behavior.High Replayability: Designed with features to encourage repeated gameplay.Immersive Sound Design: Enhanced audio that creates an engaging and atmospheric experience.Intuitive Controls: User-friendly controls for seamless gameplay interaction.Adaptive Touch Sensitivity: Adjusts touch input sensitivity based on player preference for a personalized and responsive gameplay experience.Models:NameTriangles VerticesAH64.fbx52082761Helicopter2.fbx31141981Missle.fbx176114Tank.fbx38202350Truck.fbx16901127Weapon.fbx412232Textures: NameResolutionFormatBlackTile.png512x512.PNGGrid_00_BaseMap.png1024x1024.PNGGrid_01_Emissive.png1024x1024.PNGGrid_01_Normal.png1024x1024.PNGGrid_02_BaseMap.png1024x1024.PNGInstruction.png1920x1080.PNGMilSim.png256x256.PNGtemplategrid_albedo.png4096x4096.PNGTemplateGrid_normal.png4096x4096.PNGTemplateGrid_orm.png4096x4096.PNGtexture_0001.png32x32.PNGtexture_0010.png256x256.PNGtexture_0011.png128x128.PNGtexture_0012.png256x256.PNGtexture_0022.png512x512.PNGtexture_0023.png256x256.PNGtexture_0024.png512x512.PNGtexture_0025.png32x32.PNGtexture_0035.png32x32.PNG