Jukebox System is a fully working and completely customisable music-playing jukebox that works in VR and regular 3D games.This package can use either the legacy Input Manager or the new Input System.If using the legacy input manager, you will need to delete the Keyboard_Listener_New_System game object and the KeyboardNewInputSystem script.Jukebox System Asset Package for Unity Game EngineThe Jukebox System is a fully working and completely customisable music-playing jukebox. It was originally designed to work in Virtual Reality apps but will also work in normal computer games.Using a system of parent Empty Objects and in-game 3d model child Game Objects, the jukebox system allows easy modification and swapping of models, without breaking the jukebox’s operation.Holds 20 albums, with up to 20 tracks each, and has an in-game album card / track list carousel that can be advanced and retreated. The carousel positions are also customisable, to allow for new jukebox models to be loaded.Music not provided.3D ModelsLow-Poly Jukebox Model with UVsLow-Poly Album Cards Model with UVsLow-Poly LED 7-Segment Display Model with UVsLow-Poly Number Pad Model with UVsLow-Poly Music Speaker Placeholder Model (Simple Cube Object)Materials & TexturesURP Materials: Jukebox and Jukebox Glass (texture size 2048 x 2048)URP Materials: 7-Segments Display Characters (texture size 1024 x 1024)URP Materials: Album Cards / Tracklists (texture size 2048 x 2048)URP Materials: Numberpad and Keys (texture size 2048 x 2048)Track List Art TemplateTemplate: Photoshop file as template for new album art and tracklistsScriptsScript: Script for Jukebox operation, including carousel (Jukebox.cs)Script: Script for music tracklist loading (Tracklist.cs)Script: Script for Keyboard entry using legacy input system (Keyboard.cs)Script: Script for Keyboard entry using new input system (KeyboardNewInputSystem.cs)Script: Script for in-game key presses (KeyClick.cs)Script: Script for playback of sound effects for in-game key presses (KeypadSounds.cs)Script: Script for playback of sound effects for album card carsousel (AlbumCardsMovingSounds.cs)Sound EffectsSound Effects: Sounds for keypressesSound Effects: Sound for carousel movementMusicAs always, no music is provided with the Jukebox System and it must be provided by yourselves.