These are low poly models of ancient quivers and arrows ready for game usage. There are two variations for the 3 right ones.
The scene was rendered using the mental ray renderer w/ diffuse, alpha, normal and specular maps that are layers in the .psd file but also available in .tga formats.
arrow_01 48 verts, 52 faces.
arrow_02 72 verts, 96 faces.
arrow_03 48 verts, 60 faces.
arrow_04 84 verts, 120 faces.
quiverWoodFine 138 verts, 100 faces.
quiverBronze 100 verts, 80 faces.
quiverLeatherFine 108 verts, 84 faces.
quiverBarch 77 verts, 62 faces.
quiverWood 105 verts, 142 faces.
quiverLeather 77 verts, 62 faces.
This product contains:
-.max scene
-textures(1024*1024 .tga's and .psd) and materials
-two variations for the 3 rightmost quivers
-.psd file has all they layers intact and organized(groups)