Spline audio source for river sound, pipe sound or any object that requires an audio source that covers a complex area, follow paths smoothly with ground snap.
Easy and Fast solution!The Spline Audio Source is a versatile and intuitive Unity tool designed to enhance your audio systems by seamlessly following a predefined path in your scene. This component allows developers to create dynamic and realistic audio effects that move smoothly along custom curves or routes, perfect for ambient soundscapes, pipes, vehicles, or any object requiring a positional audio source.Customizable Path: Define your audio path using an intuitive spline editor. Add, remove, or adjust points with ease.Ground Snap: Automatically align the path to the terrain with a configurable offset.Path Closing: Option to close the path for looping audio sources, ideal for circular routes.Follow Inside Path (XZ): The source audio sticks to the target as it enters the closed curve.Use World Space: You can use world space or local position and local rotation.Interactive Editing: Add and remove points directly in the scene view using shortcuts for fast adjustments.The Spline Audio Source is perfect for game environments, enhancing immersion and audio fidelity with a smooth and realistic motion system.Package works on all SRPs!Built In ✅ LWRP ✅ URP ✅ HDRP ✅ Custom RP ✅Enter on discord server for showcase your progress or report bugs.📘Discord📘