Send toast-style pop up messages to your users during runtime in XR!Use this simple and effective UI tool to quickly implement toaster-style message pop ups to your users in XR! This can be used to send users alert messages, confirmations, or inform the user of state changes while using your application, similarly to toast messages common to web applications.- XR Ready: This solution was developed from the ground up for use in XR applications, designed to be lightweight and performant on mobile devices.- Cross-Platform Compatible: Deployable to any XR-capable device, such as Oculus Quest or Microsoft HoloLens. Mobile devices are also supported.- Drag-and-Drop Functionality: Use the included prefabs to quickly enhance your existing project, regardless of target hardware or render pipeline.- Customizable Behavior: Dial in your toast messages to fade in or out, follow the user's gaze, or determine where in the user's vision the messages will appear.- Single Method Execution: Utilize the Toaster Manager to provide a single point to control how and when your toast messages appear.Requires TextMeshPro for fade functionality.Configured for use on a separate overlay camera object to ensure that the toast message pop up is properly rendered on top of other elements in your scene, consult the ReadMe for more in-depth information on how to use the prefabs.Sample scene is included to demonstrate the toast message pop up in a simplified environment.