Panda BT is a streamlined, script-based Behaviour Tree engine for creating dynamic, reusable game logic. Ideal for rapid prototyping and scalable projects.The provided examples uses the built-in render pipeline. However, as a scripting framework, Panda BT will work with any render pipeline.Panda BT is a script-based Behaviour Tree engine which allows the authoring of complex, scalable and reusable logics for your game. It is designed to ease up fast prototyping and iterative development.It is delivered as a single GameObject component that displays the BT state directly within the Inspector in realtime, making the BT execution flow visible at a glance as it is running.A BT is build by writing a BT script using a minimalist language.A task is implemented once in C# and re-used as a building block from the BT scripts.You have now the power of BT at your finger tips!Performant Behaviour Tree EngineMinimalist scripting languageVariables support (shareable between AI agents)Extensible by defining custom tasks in C#Realtime visualization Learning examplesVersion control friendly (BTs are texts)In-Inspector drag&drop editorBreak point debuggingSource code included (no dlls)