This collection includes hand-drawn unique textures suitable for different environments in a stylized/fantasy/rpg game!Each texture is tiled/seamless and fully compatible with different scenarios - Unity standard terrain, Unity standard shader, URP, HDRP.Hand Painted Floor Pack 9: STONE WEAPON BAS-RELIEFS contains 14 unique textures, each has 28 different variations.No AI was used, each texture is hand painted and seamlless. Each texture comes in two versions: Targa 2048 x 2048 with and without an alpha channel.Each type of texture has its own folder.Two Demo scenes included: HPFP_9_alpha_Demo_Scene and HPFP_9_Demo_Scene.The total amount of textures 392x2.*NOTION*: In the Unity project, textures with alpha channel are reduced in size to 1024x1024 pixels. Change the size of textures in the Inspector window if necessary.Structure of pack:14 stone bas-reliefs of different weapons for all major classes in any MMORPG:Archer BowAxeBookCrossDaggersDouble AxesDouble SwordsHammerMagic StaffScytheShieldShield N SwordSpearSwordEach texture is already mixed with:Grass, Moss, Dirt, Ice, Snow, Stones, Lichen, etc.Texture characteristics:- File format: Targa, 32/24 bit- Resolution: 2048 x 2048- Seamless- 392x2 TARGA FILESHow to use:Use these textures to create your beautiful environments, from ruins to urban areas and more. They can be used as floor or wall textures or in any other kind of 2d and 3d work. Feel free to experiment with different combinations to make something wonderful and truly unique.This pack perfectly matches with the Hand painted floor pack 10: STONE BAS-RELIEFSTextures that were used for the mixing process were partly taken from my own previous packs:Hand painted floor pack 1 Hand painted floor pack 2Hand painted floor pack 3Hand painted floor pack 4Hand painted floor pack 5Hand painted floor pack 6Hand painted floor pack 8: Moss.Technical support e-mail: artovana@gmail.com