Full Pro set of Rifle HipFire Motion Capture Animations.Building on our popular "RIFLE PRO" Pack, this is a full Pro set of HipFire Animations; an essential asset for shooter games and projects involving rifle-wielding characters. Whereas Rifle Pro contains the original Relaxed and Shoulder Aiming modes, HipFire has all animations holding and aiming the Rifle down at your side, always ready to shoot. It also includes all animated transitions and connections to Rifle Pro and the Mobility packs.Containing all the movements and functionality of the "Rifle Pro" Aiming animation set, It can be used as a STAND-ALONE fully functional shooter pack, OR as a perfectly matched ADD-ON animation pack for Rifle Pro, seamlessly adding HipFire ability to the existing Relaxed and Shoulder Aiming modes.Explore our 3D viewer and animation list to see exactly what's included and how it can fit into your project:Animation List - Rifle HipfireCustom MCO Animation Player - Rifle HipfireRifle Hipfire Highlight VideoAnimation Types: Shooting and Combat MovementsIdle and TransitionsIdle poses, along with various fidgets. HipFire has all animations holding and aiming the Rifle down at your side, always ready to shoot. It also includes all animated transitions and connections to Rifle Pro and the Mobility packs.Walking and Jogging with RifleComplete locomotion animations—walking and jogging in 8 directions (forward, backward, lateral, and diagonal). These animations enable characters to effectively navigate environments, whether they're patrolling or actively engaged in combat.Turning, Strafing, and Combat MovementTurning animations for various movement states (standing, walking, jogging, crouching) at multiple angles (45°, 90°, 135°, and 180°). Strafing animations are also included for tactical lateral and diagonal movement while maintaining aim.Crouching, Crouch Walking, and AimingFull set of crouching animations, such as idle, crouch walking, and turning. Crouch aiming animations are also included for accurate targeting while taking cover or moving stealthily.Jumps and Split Jumps with RifleTake-off, in-air, and landing sequences for jumps, available from multiple movement states (standing, walking, jogging) while holding the rifle. Split jumps with both left and right foot variations are included to enhance realism and fluidity in combat scenarios.Aiming, Firing, Reloading, and Weapon HandlingComprehensive animations for aiming, firing, reloading, weapon swapping, and holstering. Aim offsets provide precise targeting in multiple directions, while faster reloads and weapon holstering ensure smooth transitions during combat.Animation Details140 ANIMATIONS - 30 AIM OFFSETS, 15 SPLIT JUMPS - Root Motion and In-Place375 TOTAL ANIMATION FILESAll Animations HumanoidRoot Motion and In-PlaceReference Root MotionRifle attaches on the "RightHandMiddle1" finger bone, and all Animations use it to ensure seamless rifle animations without wrist distortion.(Please see Technical Details below)Animation List has frame/seconds delay timings for Holster/UnHolster.Holstered Animations match our Mobility Pro and Pistol Pro, for integration with our other Animation Packs.The "RightHandMiddle1" articulates the position of the Rifle in different poses without breaking the wrist.Be sure to read the included docs on Rifle Attachment and Placement: Mocap Online - Unity Rifle AttachmentMocap Online - Unity Animation NotesIncludes documents with Tips on Avatars and Avatar Adjustments, and "Reference" root motion.All Animations HumanoidRoot Motion and In-PlaceReference Root MotionAll animations are .fbx format, standard fbx bone names.M4_Rifle_01 - A matching fully textured Rifle has been included as a separate asset .fbx file. Parenting or constraining it to the "RightHandMiddle1" finger bone in the right hand will place and animate it correctly.View/Download Motion List Here: Rifle Hipfire - Animation ListProvided Motus Man character is copyright © Motus Digital, LLC