It provides high-quality interactive simulations of Translucent/transparent volumetric liquid in closed small container and also is a powerful supplement of real fluid simulations in hydrodynamics.Platform Compatibility:✓ Windows 10 or later✓ Android (Huawei, Samsung Galaxy 6,etc.), OpenGL ES 3.0 or later required.✓ iOS (iPhone 9 or later)✓ AR,VR,MR(HTC Vive,Occlus,Hololens etc.)Rendering Pipeline Compatibility:✓ Built-in pipeline.3D Model Compatibility:✓ Closed mesh required.Be sure to read Quick Start.pdf included in package.1. Realistic and interactive VFX effects are our ultimate goal. The simulated volumetic-based liquid has complete fluctuating surface and volume , refracts & reflects surroundings. From any angle , we can always see the real appearance of volumetic liquid.By means of setting different parameters on customizable interface , transparent or semi-transparent liquids, such as water, liquor, viscous liquid, gradient color liquid, beers , drinks , chemical solution etc. in small containers can be simulated easily and conveniently.This pack can be integrated into3D Game, virtual simulation, AR/VR/MR projects and appiied to many fields , such as industry, education, training,entertainment etc..For the convenience of users, six customized application demos are supplied:✓ Beers simulation✓ Fixed Point Bubbles simulation(can be used in chemical experiments)✓ Various liquid shapes filled with liquids.✓ Viscous liquid simulation✓ Liquor simulation✓ Color gradual changing2. In the other hand, in real liquid simulations,with the increase of particles amount , computational cost is rising rapidly, the performance will degrade dramatically. An effective solution is that you can replace part of real liquid simulation with our shader tool and achieve the same realistic effect without high computation cost.This package is developed with ShaderLab and C# scripts mainly based on rayMarching and rayTracing. The simulated volumetic liquid surports secondary refraction, therefore has more natural effects.Complex liquid shape surport.Liquid's basic color adjustment.Liquid's viscosity adjustment.Gradient color adjustment.Liquid muddy level setting. Liquid surface roughness adjustment.Without external force, allowing long-time fluctating automatically.Allowing showing objs inside liquid.Surporting various bubble texture including imported bubble textures by users.Specifing bubbles generated from a fixed space point.Bubbles amount, scale adjustmentmeniscus of liqud adjustment.Foam's color,density setting.Foam's scale setting.Foam move speed setting.