Professional, lightweight and easy to use tool for kickstarting your dream RPG project.Web demo | Documentation | Support | Author pageMotivationBasic RPG features such as items, inventory, shops, individual clothing pieces with sprite sheets, NPCs and interactable objects are not present in Unity. I made this so people can quickstart their projects, be them in game jams or full-blown games. Designed to be extensible and easy to use.Features🎒 Inventory🪙 Shops👘 Sprite sheet character individual clothing piece customization🖥️ Easy item creation via UI🧝 NPCs🛡️ Armor stands🔘 World interaction📖 Extensive documentation🔊 Audio🎨 + Included art!CharactersClothingTilesObjectsRoadmap for future updates💬 Dialogue🧰 Chests⚔️ Weapons🖥️ Adding new art simplified through UI🚪 Changing rooms📜 External loading of item data after build (modding)🎮 Inventory gamepad support🖥️ Higher-level item managing through UI🎵 Richer audio and music system🧝 Richer NPC behaviourAll future updates are included with the acquisition of this asset!After importing, do not forget to go to Edit > Project Settings > Input Manager, and after clicking Presets button in the top-right, select the Inputs.preset file, to make sure you have all the input mappings.Also import TMPro when prompted by Unity, so that the text works.