Cotton Ripstop PBR Seamless Material with a Camouflage Pattern, to boost your project.Those are just textures. Sample Material on Demo Scene uses URP, but it is not required.Are you looking for perfect material for a Military Uniform, Cargo Pants, or maybe a backpack in your survival/FPS game. This is a perfect solution. Here I present a Cotton Ripstop PBR Seamless Material with a Camouflage Pattern (or without it, with full color control).SBSAR: file format from Adobe Substance software, that allows you to fully customize the texture in the editor. Programs like Substance Painter supports them natively, but others like Blender, UE5, Unity, and many more, use official plugins to deal with them.SBSAR Tip: Try not to go below 2K, if you're aiming for best graphics quality in closeups. 1K is possible, but you need to tweak a few sliders in the sbsar. For objects in distance (LOD), just focus on albedo. Small fabric details wont be visible.LTS: I'll update the material and textures, if any error, or suggestions appear.This pack contains:- SBSAR File, to fully customize your material.- 3 Example sets of Textures (Albedo/AO/Normal/Roughness/Metallic/Height) in 2K and 4K.- Folder of Camouflage Patterns (13) in 2K and 4K (find more here), to input in SBSAR input field.All my links can be found here. You can check my other assets, or consider supporting my work: SnowyCocoonAll textures were created in Substance Designer.SBSAR Features:Change the resolution of textureChange material weave blur and density.Change the Bold Threads of the Ripstop textile.Modify the Normal of threads, and folds.Select the Right AO (RTAO and HBAO).Turn on the subtle height map.Change the pattern, color, and tiling of the material, or even upload your own image.Number of Materials: 2Number of Material Instances: 3Number of Textures: 73Number of ".sbsar" files: 1Texture Resolutions: (Please list the range of texture resolutions)Resolution 1: 2K (2048x2048)Resolution 2: 4K (4096x4096)Important/Additional Notes: You need "Substance 3D for Unity" to use the sbsar file