32 high-quality 2D animations for platformer player character plus 40 environment sprites. Perfect for adding depth, fluidity, and polish to your game.Enhance your platformer game with this comprehensive asset pack featuring 32 high-quality 2D animations for your character. From basic movements like idle, run, and walk, to more dynamic actions like jumping, attacking, and climbing, this asset ensures smooth and visually appealing gameplay. Additionally, it includes 40 environment sprites to help you create a vibrant and engaging game world. This pack is perfect for developers looking to add depth and polish to their projects with fluid and captivating player animations.32 Animations:IdleRunRun In PlaceWalkLandingLanding To WalkLanding To Walk StrongRollingJumpJump StompJump BoingJump ForwardJump Forward StrongFallFall StrongPushAttack Slash 1Attack Slash 2Attack Slash 3Attack Slash RunSlippingOpen DoorExhausted StartExhausted EndSheathe SwordUnsheathe SwordIdle SwordWalk SwordOn AirTalkingClimbing Ladder StartClimbing Ladder LoopExtras:2D Platform Character40 Environment Sprites :DDoes NOT include:Game ready animatorCharacter controlsMusics and SFXVFXSizes:Character Sprite Atlas - 1024x1024Sizes from bonus items (alphabetic order):Bed - 173x58Black Radial - 1024x768Blood - 64x64Boing (jumping platform) - 512x256Box - 256x256Building basic (platform) - 400x400Circle (white) - 100x100Clouds (3 variations) - 512x256Column Parts - 100x256Decoration (9 variantions of flowers and grasses) - 100x100Door (3 variations) - 400x400Door Side - 25x92Effect Counter - 256x256Feather - 256x256Floor House - 1024x256GFX Blood Parts (2 variations) - 256x256Glow - 140x140Ground (2 variations) - 1366x768House (5 variations) - 400x400Icon (7 variations) - 64x64Ladder - 400x400Leave - 128x128Light Bulb - 22x59Parallax Forest (2 variations) - 1024x576Reflection - 128x32Slash (3 variations) - 124x84 and 124x58Spark - 256x256Statue - 400x400Table - 145x59Wall - 1024x512Wall Side - 32x162Wardrobe - 57x143White (multipurpose sprite) - 64x64Window - 56x52Wood (2 variations) - 21x395Wooden Shield - 112x112Wooden Sword - 64x128