Dynamic ambience sounds manager
The Audio Gator is a Unity Asset that allows to quickly create complex ambience-audio scenarios and manage them at runtime.
It also handles background-music’ s tracks according to active scenes or specific events therefore can easily be used for gameplay sounds too.
The core feature of the component are gameobjects called Audio Gator Audio Zone, a very flexible component easy to setup and program.The Audio-Zone component comes in 5 different types : Day-Night Audio-ManagerStandard Trigger WeatherEach with its own features that comprehend :
- Volumes control
- Fade In/Out transitions
- Mixers' snapshots control
- Spatial blend control
- Smart resource management
- Persistence across scenes or local resource
- Simple API
- & more..
We can program their behaviour according to different parameters as the player/cam position, other audio-zones status, the current Time or we could create a special audio-zone that can be programmed according to Weather conditions in combination with any weather system we are using. Another special-one is the Audio-Manager type, that can play sounds and music tracks based on events or active scenes. It is so special that can easily be used to transform the Audio-Gator into an audio-resources manager.
Use Audio Zones to recall mixer’s snapshots so that you can dynamically control pretty much every aspect of your audio environment with them.
The Audio Gator also offers some simple but useful performance optimization features that can be used to balance the memory used by audio-clips and loading times.
For a more comprehensive features explanation have a look at the online documentation
Info & support Audio Gator website.
Note: This asset is included with the Environment Gator (ver. ) package and integrates with its weather and Time features.