The BRAIN Smart Inspector provides developers with Smart Workflow for Game Development including Comprehensive Project Reporting & Custom Inspector.Welcome to the BRAIN Smart Inspector, a powerful Unity Editor tool designed to enhance productivity by providing a detailed inspection and management interface for GameObjects in your active Unity scenes. With features like automatic scene scanning, categorized object display, and component management, the tool simplifies your workflow.BRAIN Smart Inspector User Manual SummaryQuickstart: Download and Installation1. Open the Unity Asset Store from the Unity Editor.2. Search for "BRAIN Smart Inspector".3. Click "Download" and "Import" to add the tool to your project.4. The tool will be installed under Assets/BRAIN Smart Inspector/Launching the Tool1. Open Unity.2. From the top menu, navigate to Tools > BRAIN Smart Inspector.3. The BRAIN Smart Inspector Dashboard will open as a dockable window.Features OverviewAutomatic Scene Scanning: Categorizes GameObjects by type.Customizable Filters: Search and filter objects by name, category, or component.Component Viewer: View and manage components on selected GameObjects.Notes Management: Add and save notes for GameObjects.Project Report Generator: Create detailed HTML reports of the scene’s structure.Using the Tool: Main DashboardScene Scan: Click "Scan Active Scene" to categorize and display all GameObjects.Search and Filter: Use the search bar to filter results by GameObject name, category, or components.Expand/Collapse Categories: Expand or collapse categories using the buttons provided.Component Viewer1. Select a GameObject from the list.2. Click "View Components" to open the ComponentsPopupWindow.3. Use the "Add Component" button to attach new components.Notes Management1. Select a GameObject from the list.2. Click "Notes" to open the NotesPopupWindow.3. Enter notes and click "Save Notes" to persist them in the project.Project Report Generator1. From the main dashboard, click "Run Project Report".2. The HTML report will be saved under Assets/BRAIN Smart Inspector/Reports/FAQQ: Can I use the tool in runtime?A: No, the tool is designed for use within the Unity Editor.Q: How do I enable Auto-Scan?A: Go to Tools > BRAIN Smart Inspector > Settings and toggle "Enable Auto-Scan".Q: Where are notes stored?A: Notes are stored as Scriptable Objects in Assets/BRAIN Smart Inspector/Data/Notes/ .Ai (Chat GPT) assisted with code debugging and the User Manual.