Do not waste your time by manually searching for missing string localizations and adding custom localization table entries. Use a tool, which can do all at once just by pressing a single button!Localization HelperThis tool shall help you to easily find unlocalized strings in your scenes and add all the missing localizations with customized settings just by pressing a single button. You should never worry again about bugs caused by missing localizations in your released games.Additionally, you can develop your games using strings in your own language. This tool will create a string table entry and copy the strings in your text components to the desired default locale. All you have to do is exporting your CSV tables and hand them in for translation.Features:✔️ Use Unity's build-in localization tools✔️ Find all missing localizations of strings within your scenes✔️ Works with all Text and TextMeshPro components (UI & Gameobject)✔️ Auto-generate localization table entries with custom options✔️ Auto-copy your texts in the text component to your desired default locale✔️ Auto-reuse of existing localizations containing the same strings✔️ Find all unlocalized strings easily by pressing the string's name-link✔️ Localize strings step by step or all at once by pressing a single button🔥 Never forget any unlocalized strings again🔥 Do not waste your time by manually adding localization table entriesSupported OSWorks on every platform as long as you have added the Unity build-in localization packageSupportIf you encounter any issues or have feature requests - feel free to contact me via:support@tortillacake.comBased on Unity's localization toolsSearch for all missing localizations of strings within your opened scenesText and TextMeshPro components for UI & Gameobjects (2D, 3D)Auto-generate localization table entries with custom optionsAuto-reuse of existing localizations containing the same stringsCreate links to non-localized stringsAutomatically copies and pastes your text of the text component into the localization string reference field of the selected default locale