ButtonPro is a tool for advanced button management in Unity, allowing full customization of images and text for different states, saving time and simplifying work in projects.TextMeshPro is required.ButtonPro is an advanced tool designed to simplify the creation and management of buttons in Unity. This package provides a highly customizable solution for developers who want to go beyond the limitations of Unity’s default Button component.Key Features:Multiple Images and Texts per Button: Assign and customize multiple Image and TextMeshProUGUI components to a single button, each configurable independently for every button state (Normal, Highlighted, Pressed, and Inactive).State-Based Customization: Change colors, sprites, and texts dynamically based on the button's state, without writing additional code.Flexible Object Management: Easily group objects and toggle their states depending on the button's state.Event Handling: Built-in UnityEvents for common interactions such as clicks, presses, and highlights, with support for custom actions.Activation Control: Manage interactable and non-interactable states with activation groups for related GameObjects.Animations (WIP): Includes built-in support for press-button animations (with plans to expand animation capabilities. (Currently only one simple scaling animation available if you have DOTween. The animation module will be expanded in future updates)Future Updates:ButtonPro will include features like:Animations and animators for specific states.Press sounds for better user feedback.Support for a new "Focus" state.API for updating button texts directly (e.g., ButtonPro.SetText()).ButtonPro gives you:Individual control of many elements depending on the state of the button (normal, hightlighted, pressed, inactive).Possibility to choose when the "OnClick" event should take place - on pressing or releasing a button.More eventsSimple debug tool