LibSQLite is an easy to use library for SQLite3 for Unity developers.
It manipulates SQLite3 databases natively and unlocks all the might of SQLite3 for Unity C# developers.
It’s fast and efficient and integrates easily into existing projects.
• Tested to work on all main Unity platforms: Windows, Android, MacOS, Linux and WEB GL.
• Simple methods for CRUD operations.
• Simple methods for queries with parameters.
• Generic methods to perform join queries.
• Automatic mapping of SQLite3 data types with C# data types.
• Small ORM layer to use classes as SQLite3 tables.
• Simple method to perform SQLite3 database backups.
• In memory databases support.
• Uses LINQ for easy dataset manipulation…
• … and still allows the use of hand-written SQL queries: useful for platforms using IL2CPP.
• Do not use threads to allow WEBGL compatibility…
• … but does not block the main Unity thread through the use of coroutines.
• SQLite3 library provided for Windows, Android & WEBGL platforms.
• Non-blocking retrieval of database from StreamingAssets on Android & WEBGL.
• Demo scene provided as well as simple and clear examples.