- Realtime brick walls and tiled surfaces.
- no precomputed assets required.
Create brick walls dynamically, extremely flexible and totally configurable
In real-time in a surface shader.
-Single pass render does NOT require geometry shader or tesselation.
- Lots of options and settings allow a huge variety of applications with these shaders.
-Texturing is optional (various texturing modes supported).
-Perspective used for brick and tile edges so they ‘stand out’ as if modelled - even
though it is a single pass shader.
-Flat or rounded edges (eg. washroom tiles) including controllable corner rounding.
-Ability to texture from atlases of any size, mega-textures (good for bricks).
-Individual control of distribution of atlas elements (bricks) in Atlas modes below 4x4.
-Looks good without anti-aliasing ( procedural calculations account for this).
-Position and sizes of bricks and mortar fully configurable.
-Can add dynamic erosion patterns ( generated in-shader ).
-Shader calculates normals for brick shapes so lighting works correctly on edges etc.
although you can add normal maps if you wish.
-Extreme optimized shader code.
-Configurable LOD to enable smooth fade-outs over camera distances in a variety of ways.
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