High-quality Ak47M1 with modules. Low-polyThere are no restrictions on a specific render pipelinePORTFOLIO | YOUTUBE | DEMOAK47M1 FPS. Check other free assets.Features:- High-quality textures: 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024 and 512x512 (You can change the size of the texture on your own)- Textures complete - Diffuse(Albedo) map, Normal map, Specular map, AO map.- Complete 3 textures pack (Clean, Dmg, Army)- Complete bullet 7.62- File complete - .fbxIncludes:* Bracket* Picatinny On Ironsight* Flash Hider* FPS Hands* Tactical Grip* EOtech XPS 2.0 (while without text)* FDefence picatinny (one, double)* Flashlight (with cookies)* Player (simple)* Collimator Sight (3.1)* Flashlight support (3.1) NOTE:1) These FPS models (it means that they are optimized)2) If you need Full Detailed, please click here: Ak47M1 Fully Detailed3) If you have errors, bugs, please contact me and I will try my best to assist youPlease try before buy!Free quality check available here on the marketplace with the MyNameIsVoo.Convince yourself of the quality level!Any questions: e-mail meDo not forget to leave comments. Thx.Features:- High-quality textures: 4096x4096, 2048x2048, 1024x1024 and 512x512 (You can change the size of the texture on your own)- Textures complete - Diffuse(Albedo) map, Normal map, Specular map, AO map.- Complete 3 textures pack (Clean, Dmg, Army)- Complete bullet 7.62- File complete - .fbx- ReadMe.txtIncludes:* Bracket* Picatinny On Ironsight* Flash Hider* FPS Hands* 17 animations* Tactical Grip* EOtech XPS 2.0 (while without text)* FDefence picatinny (one, double)* Flashlight (with cookies)* Player (simple)* Collimator Sight (3.1)* Flashlight support (3.1)