This asset will be deprecated and replaced to Advanced Culling System.
Don't worry if You already buy this asset.
I made it possible for You to upgrade to the Advanced Culling System for the minimum price that the Asset Store allows me. (1$)
Or you can write me an e-mail (andre-orsk@yandex.ru) and I will try to provide you with a free voucher
Demo Scene
Polygonal Culling - a tool designed to optimize Your game. Polygonal Culling reduces the number of vertices and triangles per frame, by culling invisible polygons.
The main idea - it cut the mesh with a large number of triangles into smaller meshes for efficient culling. Do not worry, You will not get a large number of Draw Calls, because it uses Static Batching.
For any questions please contact this e-mail: andre-orsk@yandex.ru.