Using CloudImages enables Unity3D developers to save and get images from Google Drive, one of the most simple and widely available cloud environment services: no more extra costs or over complex scenerios!
Liberate your project and team from special hosting requirements, external libraries or exotic third party services! CloudImages offers a simple, flexible and effective solution, while avoids introducing any hassle.
By simply incorporating a small c# class to your project, based entirely on Unity native API calls, you will have a powerful tool for saving screenshots to the cloud, getting texture updates to your game, saving player profile pictures, and whatnot.
From the Unity Editor or virtually any Unity build target(1), connect your app or game with a web service hosted on your Google Drive account, and open the field of cloud services bringing the power of Google Drive to the table!
Disclaimmer: This package requires intermediate to advanced programming skills in order to understand and use the asset for your own purposes.
Important: Regarding web build targets: WebGL coming on future versions. WebPlayer, deprecated by Unity, will not be available.
Forum thread.