Having trouble finding your log messages in the console? With Simple Log Channels (SLC) just give any message you like an id string (channel) and you'll easily be able to view all of your messages in the logger. Create as many channels as you like. View only messages that belong to your channel, or view them all together. With SLC, channels are color coded, so even if you are viewing all channels at once, you can easily find your messages! Keep your output organized with SLC!
* Any messages you log to the SLC console, will also be logged to the Unity console!
* Any message you log with Debug.Log* will also be logged to the SLC console! (So you won't have to replace all of your pre-existing calls). Unity 5.3.5 or later only
* Messages are color coded by channel, even when viewed from the Unity console.
* Turn stack traces on or off.
* Messages can be easily selected for copy and paste.