Important: This package contains Audio Assets only. The environment, created by NOT_Lonely is a separate asset, available here.
This pack contains all of the music and audio created for the Western Saloon Sound Design Demo in my portfolio. It includes wind ambience, sand footsteps and wood footsteps, door closing and opening sounds, gas lanterns, a wood burning stove loop, piano chords and a variety of object sounds. The pack also includes looping music in two layers, for outside and inside the saloon.
The Pack Includes:
★ Wood Footsteps
★ Sand Footsteps
★ Saloon Door Sounds
★ Door Opening / Closing
★ Window Opening Closing
★ Looping Crackling Fire
★ Looping Gas Lanterns
★ Howling, Dusty Wind Loop
★ Box Open / Close
★ Bar & Furniture Bumps
★ Glass, Metal & Wooden Object Sounds
★ Detuned Piano Chords
★ Western Styled Music Loops
Professional Game Audio