Toon Engine is a unity URP (2022.3) render engine. It offers customizable toon materials, including terrain and adds various comic style effects like outlines custom bloom and cross hatching.Toon Engine (2022.3 / URP)ToonToon materialSpecular highlightsCustom lighting (Directional lights, Point lights, Spot light)Toon terrain material (up to 4 layers)OutlinesOutlines are applied as a fullscreen effectDepth BasedNormals BasedDepth basedLine hatchingLine lightings based on ambient occlusionProcedural generated lines with lots of customizablityBloom Ben-day dots effectComic book styled bloomCustomizabilityToon Engine offers a lot of options to customize the Toon styled rendering to your needs!Example assets12 materials4 modelsVersionsUnity 2022.3Customizable materials5 shadergraphs10 subshaders