From the Maker of Helios comes Deja-View
Deja-View is a simple but unique 3rd person camera controls system, where the camera will follow the exact movements of the player, based on a frame queue.
"-Its like Stanley Kubrick is flying a Drone."
Deja-View provides a fun and playful means of following your character. Because the camera cannot go places that your character can't there is no need for a ray-casting/collision detection engine.
Ideal for fast paced 3rd person platforming and action games, Deja-View is not like any camera controller you have used before.
Deja-View comes with a built in camera collider which, will automatically make things that come between the player and camera become transparent.
Unlike other camera follow systems, Deja-View follows your character in exactly the same positions it was in the past. Based on the distance from the camera and player, Deja-View will switch between smooth directional Lerping and historical information of your players last locations. Which provides a very sweeping cinematic experience for your players.
You can configure many parameters on the camera like:
-Delay between player and camera
-Minimum distance
-Maximum distance
-Height Offset (moving and idle)
-Idle timeout
-Idle orbit options
-X & Y orbit control
-Collision Opacity
-Collision Delay
Demo Scene is included.