We offer a total of 23 animations based on running races.Recommend * Provides keyframe animation set to Humanoid. * Graphic settings are set to URP by default. * The animation can be used in any graphic setting. Animation List - IdleA IdleB IdleC IdleD IdleE - StartA StartB StartC - RunA RunB RunC RunD - ExhaustedA ExhaustedB ExhaustedC - FinishA FinishB FinishC FinishD - RefereeA RefereeB RefereeC RefereeDSupport e-mail : connect@airar.co * The best way to contact me is e-mail. I always appreciate your great comments and feedback.It is made up of animation clips that are essential for running a race, allowing for various combinations.It was designed not only for running, but also for situations such as sitting down from exhaustion or running slowly while running.By default, it is set to humanoid, so it can be linked to various characters, but there is no problem setting the direction even in settings other than those required.