The default Unity coroutines only work in Play mode.
This plugin contains coroutines that work in Play mode and Edit mode and avoid unnecessary Garbage Collection.
- Works in both Play mode and in Edit mode
- Avoids unnecessary Garbage Collection by using Object Pools.
- Same coroutine methods can be executed in Play mode and Edit mode*
- Supports nested coroutines and most of the other functions of the default Unity coroutines
*Not all yield options are supported in Edit mode (they will be ignored in Edit mode)
Supported in Play mode:
- Start coroutine(s)
- Stop coroutine(s)
- Pause coroutine(s)
- Resume coroutine(s)
- yield return null
- yield return break
- yield return WaitForSeconds
- yield return WaitForFixedUpdate
- yield return WaitForLateUpdate
- yield return WWW
* yield return WaitForEndOfFrame not supported, because Unity doesn't expose this event
Supported in Edit mode:
- Start coroutine(s)
- Stop coroutine(s)
- Pause coroutine(s)
- Resume coroutine(s)
- yield return null
- yield return break
- yield return WaitForSeconds
- yield return WWW