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270 Orchestral Soundtracks + 65 Ambient Soundscapes | 7 HOURS of Audio | 335 Clips in TotalTHOUGHTFULLY CRAFTED HIGH-QUALITY ORCHESTRAL MUSIC PACK! (*featuring live musicians)The "FANTASY ULTIMATE MUSIC COLLECTION" containing 270 RPG Soundtracks (*75 loopable tracks) & 65 Ambient Soundscapes (335 in total), including FULL CONTENT from 16 video game music packs I recently released:>YouTube PREVIEW<>Vimeo PREVIEW<>Tracklist *PDF<It offers a massive library of versatile and flexible music for a variety of game genres: EVERYTHING* you need for your game project in one package!Despite the title says "RPG Music" — it's still can be used within any video game genre, LITERALLY from a generic Puzzle Game to an AAA Game or Cinematic Trailer...It's not limited by any means! :)==========================================THE COLLECTION INCLUDES ——————— PREVIEW —==========================================Fantasy Open World RPG Music -------[SHORT / FULL]Music of Light & Darkness ------------ [SHORT / FULL]Dark Ambient Soundscapes ---------- [SHORT / FULL]Medieval Tavern Music --------------- [SHORT / FULL]Ethnic Music of Ancient Desert -------[SHORT / FULL]Battle Heroic Orchestral Music Pack --[SHORT / FULL]Asian Oriental Music ----------------- [SHORT / FULL]Viking Pagan Nordic Music -----------[SHORT / FULL]RPG Short Music Cues ------------------------ [FULL]Beautiful Fantasy Ballads ------------ [SHORT / FULL]Epic&Battle RPG Themes ------------ [SHORT / FULL]Adventure Heroic Themes ----------- [SHORT / FULL]Medieval & Celtic Grooves ----------- [SHORT / FULL]Ambient Mysterious Soundscapes ------------ [FULL]Ambient Somber Orchestral Drones --[SHORT / FULL]Beautiful Town&Village RPG Themes - [SHORT / FULL]SOUNDTRACK LENGTH VARY from 1 to 2 minutes — Music—————————————— from 2 to 2:30 mins — Soundscapes—————————————— from 4 to 25 seconds — Short Cues*7 HOURS OF AUDIO IN ALL*======================⚠️YOUTUBE-SAFE MUSIC⚠️======================The music is cleared with YouTube and can be freely used without any concerns of copyright strikes, flags, or demonetization. This is essential if you expect players to showcase your game in videos or streams!(i.e. you will never get a copyright claim and ALSO you are allowed to use the soundtracks wherever you want and as many times as you need)It means Unlimited Royalty-Free license! Use the music over and over, in any of your project or productions, without any additional fees or royalties.Most of the soundtracks are “THEMED”-music and easily can be used in context of: mmorpg, quest, d&d, tavern, inn, anime, village, town, celtic, exploration, leveling, victory, win, loose, defeat, exploring, open world, main menu, battle, fairytale, ost, vgm, action, bard, indie, majestic, grand, combat, fight, gaming, looped, medieval, ancient, pagan, viking, asian, oriental, eastern, ambient, background, ambiance, aggressive, bright, calm, dark, dramatic, dreamy, energetic, epic, evil, middle age, locations, ethereal, hopeful, warm, fairy, rich, ballad. beautiful, light, magical, mystical, enemy, dev, comedy, atmospheric, mysterious, ominous, peaceful, powerful, sad, tension, peaceful, orchestral, relaxing, dnd, campaign, ethnic, folk, genuine, nordic, theme, horror, boss, casual game, castle, location, cave, dungeon and similar stuff...================PRODUCT SUPPORT================in case you are experiencing any kind of issues (while using my assets), please feel free to contact me directly at any time so I can help you out as quick as possible.==================================================335 high-quality *WAV tracks in total (16-bit; 1411 kb/s; 44.1 kHz)*75 full-track loops*55 tracks featuring live musicians7 HOURS of unique audioClip length vary from 4 sec up to 2:30 minsWide variety of musical grooves, colors and emotions3.61GB of compressed audio data (*zip)YouTube-Safe music tracksUnlimited Royalty-Free license==============================================================================MY YOUTUBE CHANNEL (BLACKMID)ORDER CUSTOM MUSIC ON FIVERR============================⭐IF YOU LIKE MY MUSIC and found it useful - PLEASE don't forget to RATE/REVIEW the asset!⭐335 high-quality *WAV tracks in total (16-bit; 1411 kb/s; 44.1 kHz)*75 full-track loops*55 tracks featuring live musicians7 HOURS of unique audioClip length vary from 4 sec up to 2:30 minsWide variety of musical grooves, colors and emotions3.61GB of compressed audio data (*zip)YouTube-Safe music tracksUnlimited Royalty-Free license==================================================⭐IF YOU LIKE MY MUSIC and found it useful - PLEASE don't forget to RATE/REVIEW the asset!⭐