Hello,I present to you a two customize characters NPC Distopia. Man and woman.The characters can be used as a worker, cleaner or resident of a post-apocalyptic bunker.The characters have a little face morph.There are 9 heads in the set and each head has 2 morphs that completely change the appearance.The characters does not have animations, but it has a standard rigg that works with humanoid rig UnityCharacter 01 ManPBR textures.-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(4096-4096 Size)Polys:83,701Tris:164,754Verts:103,395Character 02 FemPBR textures.-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(4096-4096 Size)Polys:78,607Tris:154,876Verts:97,430Hair-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(4096-4096 Size)Clothes-Albedo-AO-Metallic-Normal(4096-4096 Size)