![Game Management](https://assetstorev1-prd-cdn.unity3d.com/key-image/6b44af36-2a49-4d30-a65f-4b616463ef0d.jpg)
Drag 1 prefab in and you have a game management system. This prefab saves the player's level progress, sound effects, music, and vibration settings.This package is free to use in your commercial games. The Game Manager package is owned by Mobazy LLC and cannot be modified and sold.SetupIn all of your game scenes or levels drag in the package GameManager/Prefabs/Game Management.prefabDelete your Camera if you have one, this package uses Cinemachine Cameras.Add a loading scene. Create a game object, and add the script StartCurrentLvl.cs. An example scene was provided in GameManager/Scenes/Loading Scene. This will load the player's current level.In your custom scripts call any Management functions. An ExamplePlayer.cs script was provided that calls GameManagement.StartLevelSuccess() to save the player's current progress and load the next level.Optional: If you have more than one loading scene, set the value of NumberOfLoadingScenes in GameManagement prefab.The saving mechanism used is player prefs. The Game Manager package is optimized for mobile, caching the saved settings.