Unity IAP (this version obsolete, use Package Manager)
Unity Technologies
Jump AssetStore
This Asset Store version is obsolete, and will be deprecated and no longer supported after June 2021. Please use the In-App Purchasing Service from the Unity Package Manager instead. To upgrade, please follow the migration instructions in the In-App Purchasing package’s description.
This is a Restricted Asset pursuant to the Asset Store EULA. Your use of "Unity IAP" is subject to the Unity Monetization Services Terms of Service.
App stores supported:
iOS/Mac/tvOS App Store, Google Play, Facebook Gameroom, Windows Store, Amazon App Store, Samsung Galaxy Apps. Android stores featured on the Unity Distribution Platform (UDP) can be installed separately through the Asset Store and Package Manager.
With Unity IAP, setting up in-app purchases for your game across multiple app stores has never been easier. Use one common API to access all stores for free.
With just a few lines of code, you can fully understand and optimize your in-game economy. Unity IAP automatically couples with Unity Analytics enabling you to monitor and act on trends in your revenue and purchase data across multiple platforms.
● Includes client-side receipt validation for Apple and Google Play
● Sample project enclosed: /Assets/Plugins/UnityPurchasing/scenes/IAP Demo.unity and [...]/scripts/IAPDemo.cs
IMPORTANT: Please follow the instructions to enable Unity IAP for your project.
For more information, please visit our website and forums.