With this high-quality and optimized package you can design your own games.#The package is in HDRP by default##To use URP or Built-in, create a new project and import the appropriate prefabs#The Package Includes**LOD System**10 Different Models**20 Different Prefabs**3.6k Avarage Polygon Count**2 Materials(Clean and Dirty Versions)**4K Textures(Ambient Occlusion Map, Albedo Map, MetallicSmoothness Map, Mask Map, Normal Map)**For every clean texture, there is a dirty version**Demo SceneThe project demo scene was prepared with HDRP pipelines. However, suitable textures, materials and prefabs for all pipelines are available in the project.For support discord link: https://discord.gg/xhHD6J5fM4Number of textures 10Texture dimensions 4KAvarage Polygon Count 3.6KMaximum polygon countNumber of meshes/prefabs 20UV mapping: YesLOD information (Avarage 2)Types of texture maps (tga, png)