Package includes spaceship fighter and platform with some props. All models use PBR materials.
Some technical details:
- Spaceship faces/tris: 17575 / 34064
- Platform faces/tris: 504 / 1012
- All platform's props faces/tris: 1108 / 2120
- Spaceship uses 4 materials
- 1 material (512x512 px) used for cannon fireball
- 3 materials (2k) used for body and egnines flames
- Platform uses one 2K texture
- Platform props use one 2K texture
- Props includes crate, pole, fence and two type of stands
- Almost all materials include albedo, height, metallic, normal, smoothness, ambient occlusion and emission textures.
Spaceship also includes some animations:
- landing gear up and down position (can be run by trigger in Animator)
- cannons fire animation (can be run by bool variable in Animator)
- gun fire animation (can be run by bool variable in Animator)
Note: Package has dependecies on Cinemachine package in Ship.css script only to create shake camera effect in Demo Scenes. Some marked lines of code can be deleted with no consequences.