Welcome to my weapons package! The intention of this is for people who want to make anything with projectiles in it or if they are artists just looking to show off their art in action. It’s very simple to replace the cubes and cylinders I’ve used with models. There are 6 distinct weapon types I made as examples of what can be done. Of course they don’t have to be what I call them. For example, the charge rifle could be changed into a bow and arrow by simply replacing the art instead. I’ll go ahead and describe each weapon.
Assault rifle: Simply shoots projectiles forward.
Charge rifle: After charging up, fires a beam that goes through all targets.
Gatling gun: Builds up speed while firing up to a point with several barrels, then overheats and must cool down.
Grenade launcher: Lobs a bomb that explodes dealing damage in a radius.
Machine gun: Fires rapidly, but has a large amount of inaccuracy.
Shotgun: Shoots many projectiles in a burst that spread out so they can hit many targets at once.
If you have any questions please feel free to send me a message at my email davedesharnais@hotmail.com , thanks!