Mass Calculator calculates mass for rigidbodies from attached colliders using density values obtained from real world material science engineering. This helps to increase the realism of physics interactions and collisions.
- Calculate mass for rigidbodies quickly and easily
- Calculate mass using any type or combination of collider
- Easily calculate mass for multiple rigidbodies set up in a hierarchy
- 51 Materials based on real world engineering values
- 51 Physic materials
- Surface Thickness: Let the mass calculator know that the object shouldn't have it's mass calculated like it's completely solid
- Gobal mass multiplier: For when your game scale doesn't match real-world scales
- Option to apply selected physic material to all colliders when calculating mass
- Option to automatically find the correct physic material for included materials
- Calculate the mass of complex meshes
- Documentation to guide you if you want to add your own materials