LAMENT is a collection of post-apocalyptic music tracks, inspired by video game franchises such as The Last of Us, Dying Light and Metro.LAMENT aims to capture the brutal yet hauntingly beautiful essence of a post-apocalyptic world. I intentionally incorporated more acoustic and organic sounds to anchor the music in a realm where time has reverted to its primal roots.Thank you for taking the time to listen!NUMBER OF TRACKS: 18DOES MUSIC LOOP?: Yes, SeamlesslyMINUTES OF AUDIO: 69 minutesFILE FORMAT: WAVSAMPLE RATE: 44,100 HzBIT RATE: 1,411 kbpsBIT DEPTH: 16 bitINTEGRATED LOUDNESS: -23 LUFSAUDIO CHANNEL: StereoSUPPORTED PLATFORMS: All