Include Chest Monster Model , And Wakeup Animation
and keeping add new meshes in this bundle.
Very high performance!No texture include this packageyou u use it in any render piepelineIf you want get .Blend Native File.please Contact us : support@vertexmodeler.comOr join our Discord Channel ▂If you need .Blender Native File , and .SPP File√ Please Join Discord channel √Include: 1 Mesh , 3 Animation , 2PrefabVery high performance.Include:Chest Monster model x 1WakeUp\Attack\Idle AnimationComing Soon:More Chest MonsterMore SkinMore MaterialMore Animation(Run,Hit,etc...)polygon count(face): 1,442vertex count: 1,616Texture Dimensions: NoneTexture Number: Nonemesh number: 1Animation number: 3