This package provides a Fridrich Method (or CFOP Method) 3x3 Rubik's Cube solver algorithm for your C# unity project.No compatibilty issues with any Render Pipelines. Just simply swap materials inside Materials folder with the render pipeline serialized materials and you are good to go!Purchasing this asset will make the Rubick Cube Creator pack free!This package provides a Fridrich Method 3x3 Rubik's Cube solver algorithm with a fully documented API.After the purchase, you can go to Rubick Cube Creator asset page to claim your free creator package. Both assets can be used separately or combined. Rubick Cube Creator pack includes a demo scene with this solver asset.WebGL Demo Try it out!Features:🎮 Demo Scene with use cases and implementation: The package includes a demo scene that showcases the various features and use cases of the asset. Users can explore and test the Rubik's cube and its functionality within the scene.🤖 In-built solver: "Rubik's Cube Solver" includes an in-built solver that can solve any scrambled Rubik's cube. This feature allows users to easily test and debug their Rubik's cube creations.🚀 Easy-to-use: The asset is designed to be easy to use, with clear and extensively documented classes and features. However, users should have a fundamental understanding of C# to understand the source code and comments.