Lobby And Room for fishnet offers a simple, plug-and-play solution for setting up lobbies. in-game pop-up notifications, login Support, support for multiple game stack scene, host identification etc.This is a simple plug-and-play lobby and room setup designed for Fish-Networking. It requires FishNet version 4 or later to function properly, though it may also work with some updated versions of FishNet 3.DiscordLobby Plug-and-Play System: Simplifies lobby management with an easy-to-use setup.Notification Pop-Ups: Enhances user experience with in-game pop-up notifications.PlayerPrefs Login: Streamlines user authentication using PlayerPrefs.Multiple Game Stack Scene Support: Adds flexibility with support for multiple game stack scenes.Game Mode for Multiple Maps: Enables different game scenes and modes, supporting multiple maps.Room Host Identification: Clearly identifies room hosts for better game management and coordination.Playable Games : 3 playable game example available in the demo.User are require basic and medium technical knowledge about Fish-Networking Package.