Ultimate Sound Kit contains 10658 soundsUltimate Sound Kit is an extensive sound library containing over 10000 sounds. It is ideal for voicing projects in a wide variety of genres.Library Features:A wide range of sound effects: environment, fantasy, medieval weapons, foley, sci-fi and more.Versatility: Suitable for any type of project – from movies and games to podcasts and animations.Royalty Free: All sounds can be used without additional royalties.The Ultimate Sound Kit is your perfect tool to create an atmosphere and enhance the impact of your content.AttentionThis sound library also contains sets:Sound Kit OneSound Kit TwoFull Sound ListAmbienceWater SoundWeather SoundsWeather Wind SoundsCookingCooking Game SoundsDarkDark Drones SoundsGuts Bone Blood SFXMonsters Footsteps OneElementsFour Elements SFXGlass Breaking SFXFantasyFantasy Magic Sound IceFantasy RPG Game SoundFightPunch & Combat SFXFoleyClothesDoors SFXFootsteps SFX OneFootsteps SFX TwoFootsteps SFX ThreeFootsteps SFX FourGame SoundGame Sound FXMedievalMedieval Armor SFXMedieval Weapons SFXRetro GameRetro Game SFXRTSCity Building Game SFXSci-FiBig Space Explosions Sound LibrarySci-Fi Doors Sound LibrarySci-Fi Weapons OneSpace Station SFXSpaces AmbienceUser Interface SFXWater UI SFXShooterGrenade Sound LibraryShooter Game SoundWeapons SFX RifleSurvivalInventory SFXSheltered Game SoundAudio file types: WavSample rate: 44.1 khzBit depth: 16 bitLoopable: SomeAdditional: Stereo and Mono